Saturday, August 15, 2009

Life Without Instructions

Today I read a comment that someone left for me. It was from a woman who is raising four children, one who has Downs syndrome, who's husband is an active meth addict. I visited her blog and read her heartbreaking story.

There are so many families that have been ripped apart by meth. It's seeped into every nook and cranny of society, and has blindsided people from all walks of life. It's especially tragic when it affects children, as it so often does.

Please take a minute to read my previous post about a man who's doing something amazing to give back to his community. Anything you can give, regardless the amount, will go a long way toward helping the most innocent victims of meth addiction.


  1. Hiya Kim! Thanks so much for your loving words! I do visit kci regularly, as a matter of fact that is where I found your blog! Thanks for the shoutout as well. I struggle everyday with what I should do next. I will stay in contact with you sistah, you can bet. My son is 14 BTW and just as impish as your son seems to be. The tv talk on your blog cracks me up my son is addicted to his movies ! Hugs Girl!
